Originally from Dublin and residing for many years in Inisheer, Micheál Ó hAlmhain, well-known piper and concert flute player, teams up with harper Janis Harbison, who runs the prestigious [Irish Harp Centre](http://www.irishharpcentre.com/ “Irish Harp Centre”) in Castleconnell, Co. Limerick. Micheál plays a slow air on whistle, then both play “The Belfast Hornpipe”. Micheál and Janet were tutors at [Scoil Éigse](/events/detail/scoil_eigse/ “Scoil Éigse Music School 2007”) 2006. [*Download audio*](http://media.comhaltas.ie/audio/cl213/cl213_2.mp3 “Micheál Ó hAlmhain and Janet Harbison”)


