East Clare Feis

East Clare Feis 2011/11/06 Competitions are held for the following: Under 8: Tin whistle and miscellanous (any other instrument). Under 10, under 12, teenagers and adult learners: Tin whistle, button accordian, banjo, fiddle, concertina, miscellanous strings, miscellanous wind, miscellanous reed, duets and trios. Entries taken on the day of the feis. Entry table open at 9.30am. Feis starts at 10.00am. Competitions for Under 8 and Under 10 at 10.00am. Competitions for Under 12 and teenager/adult learners 2.00pm. Lunch 12.00. Session for all competitors and their music teachers and families from 1.00pm to 2.00pm. Entry fee: 5 euro per solo entry, 5 euro per duet and 6 euro per trio. Door entry for adults 5 euro which includes a free cup of tea/coffee and a raffle ticket. You can only play in each competition once only, including duets and trios and in your own age group only on solo instruments. The age you are on the day of the feis is the age you play under. No electric or battery operated instruments allowed. The melody of the tune must be played at all times by all competitors. Results will be given out shortly after the competition ends and each competitor will receive an award for playing and also their adjudication sheet with the announcement of the results. Venue: Cois na habhna, Gort road, Ennis, Co Clare. Paula Mc Mahon 0872490603