
Carlow Fleadh

Carlow Fleadh

  • Buffalo, New York
From: 9:00 AM - 22nd March 2024
To: 11:00 PM - 24th March 2024

Carlow Fleadh

Event Information

This year’s Carlow Fleadh will take place on the weekend of March 22nd-24th in the picturesque village of Leighlinbridge, Co.Carlow.

This year’s Fleadh will kick off Friday the 22nd with a special performance featuring Damien Mullane , Sean O’Meara, Conor Broderick.

Competitions will be held in Leighlinbridge parish hall on Saturday the 23rd of March, beginning with the “Fun Fleadh” for all primary school musicians; followed by Official Comhaltas Competitions in the afternoon.

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Event Location


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