Fleadh Cheoil Competitions 2008

Details on all Fleadh Cheoil events for 2008 are published on the Comhaltas website at [2008 Fleadh Schedule](http://comhaltas.ie/blog/post/2008_fleadh_schedule/”2008 Fleadh Schedule”) Anyone wishing to enter one of the competitions at a County Fleadh Cheoil must submit their entry form to the Fleadh Secretary not later than 21 days before the Fleadh date. [Entry forms](http://comhaltas.ie/press_room/detail/fleadh_entry_form_2008/ “Entry Form”) can be downloaded from the Comhaltas website. Information on [Fleadh Rules](http://comhaltas.ie/press_room/detail/fleadh_rules/”Fleadh rules”) is also available on the Comhaltas website.