Traditional Irish Music Feis

CCÉ East Clare will hold their 6th Annual Music Feis in Cois na hAbhna on Sunday the 6th of November 2011. Competition Categories ==== Tin Whistle, Fiddle, Concertina, Button Accordion, Banjo, Miscellaneous Strings, Miscellaneous Reed, Miscellaneous Wind, Duets, Trios Competition Age Groups === Under-8, Under-10, Under-12, Over-12
(The age you are on the day of the Feis is the age you play under) Timetable === 10am: Under-8, Under-10
12 noon-1pm: Lunch
1pm-2pm: Session for all musicians
2pm: Under-12, Over-12 Trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in all solo competitions Entries === All entries will be taken on the day – Entry table open 9:30am
€5 per solo entry
€5 per duet (€2·50 each)
€6 per trio (€2·00 each)
€5 entry on the door for adults Rules === * Two tunes per competition * You may only enter each competition once * No battery operated or electrical instruments allowed * The melody of the tune must be played at all times by all competitors, in each competition Feis Enquiries: Paula 087 249 0603